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Tracing the Skill of Fresco Painting in Tell El-Dabca
Los Angeles, CA 90095 United States + Google Map

Around 1500 B.C.E. a palatial district has been constructed at the site of Tell el-Dabca, directly above the Pelusiac branch of the Nile. There, below the ramps of the entrances of both main buildings about 20 000 fragments of wall paintings have been discovered since 1992. These paintings are rather unusual in context of the Egyptian material culture: they display a rather strangely appearing ‘minoanizing’ iconography, they are painted on lime plaster instead of the more widespread gypsum plaster and also not the usual tempera-, but the fresco technique is extensively used. The latter aspect if of particular importance when we want to better understand the kind of transmediterranean relations during this period. Hence the seminar will discuss the different techniques traceable at the site, try to approach the different necessary skills for their execution and how these might be spread in the Eastern Mediterranean.