Pourdavoud Institute Fall Reception 2024

Royce 306

Pourdavoud Institute Fall 2024 Welcome Reception Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm Royce Hall 306 Registration Required The Pourdavoud Institute for the Study of the Iranian World invites you to join us for a fall reception. In the company of our supporters, colleagues, academic affiliates, students, and esteemed guests, we shall be introducing...

Pourdavoud & Iranian Studies Co-Sponsored Lecture: Panagiotis Agapitos

Royce 306

Byzantium Within a Medieval Eurafricasian Literary Polysystem: Historiography, Fictional Tales, and the Practices of Narrative Representation   Byzantium and its literature has been excluded from the national canons of European literatures. While there are some obvious reasons for this exclusion in the 18th–19th century, it is woth noting that also Byzantinists supported this exclusion by...

Reading Tool Marks on Egyptian Stone Sculpture by Anna Serotta

365 Kaplan Hall

Please join us on November 19 for Anna Serotta's lecture, Reading Tool Marks on Egyptian Stone Sculptures. This lecture presents a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the production of ancient Egyptian stone sculpture, including the systematic characterization of tool marks, the examination of ancient tools, experimental archaeology, and consultation with contemporary stone carvers. This approach is demonstrated...

Yarshater Center & Iranian Studies Symposium and Workshop: Nezāmi and the Iranian World

Royce 306

Nezāmi and the Iranian World November 21–22, 2024 | UCLA Royce Hall 306 A symposium and workshop convened by Domenico Ingenito (University of California, Los Angeles) Morning Refreshments at 8:30am Conference beings at 9:00am “Nezāmi and the Iranian World” is a two-day conference (November 21–22, 2024) that brings together specialists of Persian literature, junior faculty,...

Who wrote the Bible? In new book, upcoming lecture, William Schniedewind offers bold new answers

314 Royce Hall

written by Ashna Madni Who really wrote the Bible? A Dec. 3 lecture by William Schniedewind will offer a bold new answer to that age-old question. “Although the Hebrew Bible rarely speaks of its authors, people have been fascinated by the question of its authorship since ancient times,” said Schniedewind, the Sady and Ludwig Kahn Director of...

Bilingual Lecture Series: The Left, Democracy, and Authoritarianism in Iran: An Internationally Comparative Perspective

314 Royce Hall

چپ ، دموکراسی، و اقتدارگرایی در ایران: در مقایسه ای بین المللی  The Left, Democracy, and Authoritarianism in Iran: An Internationally Comparative Perspective Sunday, December 8, 4:00-6:00 PM Pacific, Royce Hall, Room 314 Alternate live stream on Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/92237337565 (No need to register in advance, just click the link at 4:00pm on December 8 to...

Bilingual Lecture Series: A Comparative Analysis of and Proposition on the Process of Transition to Democracy in Iran

تحلیلی مقایسھ ای و راھبردی در باره فرایند گذار به  دموکراسی در ایران A Comparative Analysis of and Proposition on the Process of Transition to Democracy in Iran Sunday, January 12, 2025 | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Pacific Zoom Registration: https://ucla.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NsgynB3eTcC5gMAFoEixAQ Over the past few decades, democratic movements in many countries have successfully overthrown...

Pourdavoud Lecture Series: Carlo Cereti

Royce 306

The Rise of Persian: Understanding the Evolution of Writing in the Sasanian and Early Islamic Periods This talk explores the evolution of writing during the Sasanian and early Islamic periods, shedding light on the long-term process that led to Persian becoming the lingua franca in Western and Central Asia from Iran to the borders of...

Bilingual Lecture Series: Film Screening and Director Q&A

314 Royce Hall

Bilingual Lecture Series: Film Screening and Director Q&A with Mohammad Ehsani Alternate live stream on Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/95549537236 The Water Will Take Us (2022) (Persian with English subtitles) In the spring of 2019 Iran experienced a near apocalypse event that went by almost unnoticed by the world. Widespread flash flooding affected large parts of the country...