Scott Abramson, PhD Candidate in Jewish Studies, received the Distinguished Teaching Award. Under the direction of two co-advisors, Professor Lev Hakak and Professor Steven Spiegel, Scott is writing his dissertation on the modern history of the Maronites of Israel, an Arabic-speaking Uniate Christian sect with ancestral ties to Lebanon. Scott’s research s concerned with the history of the modern Levant, with special reference to intercommunal relations and minority experience. Scott has taught/TA’d the following courses: Jerusalem: The History of the Holy City (ANE 10W), International Relations of the Middle East (POLI SCI 132A), The Great Powers and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (POLI SCI 132B), Social, Cultural, and Religious Institutions of Judaism (JS 10 RE M10), The Origins of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (NE 50B/RE).
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