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PhD, Literature, Columbia University
Trained in Anthropology at Columbia, the London School of Economics, and Hamilton College.
I am interested in understanding a range of forms of inequality in the contemporary world and how they impede the possibilities for historically autonomous action by social collectivities in the South. As such, my work also explores the possibilities of critical knowledge of these societies within the dominant practices of the modern humanistic disciplines.
- Forget English!, Orientalisms and World LiteraturesHarvard University Press, February 2016
- Enlightenment in the Colony, The Jewish Question and the Crisis of Postcolonial CulturePrinceton University Press, 2007
- “Why I Am not a Postsecularist” journal boundary 2.
- “Critical Secularism” journal boundary 2.
- Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives (Minnesota).