Iranian Studies Lecture Series: Houchang Chehabi Lecture 4

314 Royce Hall

Aspects of Everyday Life in Iran Between Religion, State, and the Lure of the West A series of four lectures by Houchang Chehabi Professor Emeritus of International Relations Boston University Lecture 4: Dress March 10, 2023 | Royce Hall 314 | 4:00 pm Registration Requested for In-Person Attendance A hybrid Zoom live stream option is...

Bilingual Lecture Series: Nonviolence and the Revolution of Values in Iran

121 Dodd Hall 390 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

خشونت پرھیزی و انقلاب ارزش ھا در ایران Nonviolence and the Revolution of Values in Iran Ramin Jahanbegloo Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 4:00pm, Dodd Hall 121 Discussion in Persian Alternate live stream on Zoom: (No need to register in advance, just click the link at 4:00pm on April 2 to join.) In 2009,...

Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal – How many grammars does Jewish Babylonian Aramaic have?

365 Kaplan Hall

How many grammars does Jewish Babylonian Aramaic have? Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal Monday, April 3, 2023 at 3:00pm, Kaplan Hall 365 In this lecture, we will explore how languages evolve through linguistic diversity, aiming to shed light on the intricate relationship between language, its evolution, and its transmission through historical texts. Drawing on the principles of...

Gayane Shagoyan – From Ethnography to Anthropology in Armenia

193 Kaplan Hall

From Ethnography to Anthropology In Armenia Gayane Shagoyan Monday, April 5, 2023 at 2:30pm, Kaplan Hall 193 ***Seminar will be in Armenian*** Ethnography as a discipline was formed in Armenia at the end of the 19th century in approximately the same way as elsewhere in Europe, with the difference that here it did not go...

Bilingual Lecture Series: Foreign Policy Panel

چرخش بھ شرق: تغییرو تداوم در سیاست خارجی جمھوری اسلامی Turning to the East: Changes and Continuities in the Islamic Republic’s Foreign Policy Sunday, April 9, 2023 I 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM via Zoom Registration Required Looking to the East and the New World Order Kazem Alamdari Main Tenants of Postrevolutionary Iran’s Foreign Policy...

AchWorks 1 – Identity, Alterity, and the Imperial Impress in the Achaemenid World

314 Royce Hall

Identity, Alterity, and the Imperial Impress in the Achaemenid World The Inaugural Symposium of the Achaemenid Workshops Series April 12–14, 2023 | 314 Royce Hall Watch Livestream Morning refreshments and check-in begin at 8:00 am.  Panels begin at 9:00 am.   The Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World is convening an international...

George Kiraz – The Syriac American Diaspora

365 Kaplan Hall

The Syriac American Diaspora George Anton Kiraz Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 3:30pm, Kaplan 365 The Syriacs began to arrive on the Eastern shores of the United States during the mid-late 1800s and began to form a "society" of some sort by the turn of the century. By the first decade of the twentieth century,...

Bilingual Lecture Series: A Historical Perspective on Violence and Urban Unrest in Modern Iran

121 Dodd Hall 390 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

خشونت و آشوبهای شهری در ایران معاصر از دید تاریخی A Historical Perspective on Violence and Urban Unrest in Modern Iran Mehrdad Amanat Sunday, May 7, 2023, 4:00 PM, Dodd Hall 121 Alternate live stream on Zoom: (No need to register in advance, just click the link at 4:00pm on May 7 to join.)...

Bilingual Lecture Series – Being Woman: Diverse Voices of Women from Afghanistan and Iran

زن بودن : صداهای گوناگون زنان از افغانستان و ایران Being Woman: Diverse Voices of Women from Afghanistan and Iran Roundtable discussion in Persian Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 11:30am Pacific via Zoom Zoom Registration: About the Panelists Haifa Asadi (Youth Generation of Arab Iranian Women) Haifa Asadi is an advocate for gender, racial,...

Pourdavoud Center Fall Reception 2023

Royce 306

Pourdavoud Center Fall 2023 Welcome Reception Wednesday, October 4, 2023 4:00 – 6:00 pm Royce Hall 306 Registration Required   The Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World invites you to join us for a fall reception. In the company of our supporters, colleagues, academic affiliates, students, and esteemed guests, we shall be...