Applying for Jobs and Life After the Dissertation

Kaplan Hall 365

Join NELC faculty Dr. Cate Bonesho, Dr. Kara Cooney, and Dr. Bill Schniedewind for a workshop and discussion of applying for jobs and life after the dissertation.   Event Flyer RSVP Below:  

2019 Pourdavoud Center Fall Welcome Reception

Royce 306

Please join us for a fall reception at Royce Hall to celebrate the continued success of the Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World, the latest addition to the research centers in the Humanities Division. In the company of faculty, our staff, academic affiliates, colleagues, students, and esteemed guests, we shall explore the...

Bilingual Lecture Series: Dr. Kaveh Madani

78 Dodd Hall 315 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join UCLA Iranian Studies for the first Bilingual Lecture Series talk of the year.  Dr. Kaveh Madani will present his research on Sunday, October 27, 2019 in Dodd Hall 78 at 4:00pm. This lecture will be in Persian.  His English lecture will follow on Monday, October 28 at 2:00pm in Bunch Hall 10383.

Bilingual Lecture Series: Dr. Kaveh Madani

10383 Bunche Hall 11282 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles , CA, United States

Please join UCLA Iranian Studies for the first Bilingual Lecture Series talks of the year.  Dr. Kaveh Madani will present his research on Monday, October 28 at 2:00pm in Bunch Hall 10383. This lecture will be in English.

The Indo-European Origins of the Armenian Language

Kaplan 365

This presentation will address Indo-European origins of Armenian language, possible Proto-Indo-European homelands, the place of Armenian in the Indo-European language family, and the age of the Armenian language. All are welcome! Pizza and refreshments will be served. All proceedings will be in Armenian.   Hrach Martirosyan is currently Lecturer in Eastern Armenian in the department...

The Uyghur Crisis in China: Adversity, Advocacy, Activism

Royce 314

Event Flyer A public event sponsored by the UCLA Islamic Studies Program, the Center for Near Eastern Studies (CNES), and the UCLA Promise Institute for Human Rights Saturday, November 16, 2019 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. UCLA Campus, Royce Hall, Room 314 RSVP to or 310-825-0913 RSVP is necessary Parking instructions provided upon reservation  ...

Armenian Language Seminar Series

Kaplan Hall 311

This presentation will address 1) The age of Armenian and chronology of its development 2) The origin of Armenian words (methodology of etymological research); reconstruction of Indo-European roots, derivatives, compounds and formulae All are welcome! Pizza and refreshments will be served. All proceedings will be in Armenian.   Hrach Martirosyan is currently Lecturer in Eastern...

Archaeology and the Kingdom of David and Solomon

Mathematical Sciences 4000A

Archaeology of Ancient Israel Lecture Series The United Monarchy -  the famed kingdom of David and Solomon - is at the center of a heated debate. While until 25 years ago there was a consensus that David and Solomon were historical figures who ruled over fairly large territories, it is now questioned by many who...

Creative Coptic Religious Leadership: The Strategies of Mother Irini

Kaplan 365

While religious leadership differs from other forms of leadership such as in the world of business and not-for-profit organisations (NGO’s), there is much overlap. For example, in religious as well as in non-religious settings, the most successful leaders are creative innovators who apply new strategies to get their message across, make it visible, and energize...

A Panel on Peace: Navigating Identity in the Iranian Diaspora

Melintz Hall, Royce Hall 314

Hear from an interdisciplinary panel of experts and scholars discussing their experiences in the Iranian-American community and their ideas for bringing our community closer to our shared goal of unity and tolerance despite ethnic and religious differences. Dr. Farid Holakouee is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a private practice in Beverly Hills. He received his...