PhD, Egyptian Archaeology, Leiden University (1999)
MA, History of Religion (specialization in ancient Egyptian religion, archaeology, language and philosophy of science), University of Amsterdam (1988)
- Archaeology
- Ethno-archaeology
- Egypt in Africa
- Digital Humanities
- Three-dimensional digital representation of data and arguments
- Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age
- Sending Out an S.O.S.
- Equinox Publishing, 2021
- The Desert Fayum Reinvestigated
- The Early to Mid-Holocene Landscape Archaeology of the Fayum North Shore, Egypt
- Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press at UCLA, 2017
Archaeology and Apprenticeship
- Archaeology and Apprenticeship
- Body Knowledge, Identity, and Communities of Practice
- The University of Arizona Press, 2013
Egyptian Archaeology
- Egyptian Archaeology
- Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
- The Archaeology of Mobility
- Old World and New World Nomadism
- Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, 2008
- Berenike 1999/2000
- Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, 2018
- Moving Matters
- Proceedings of the Seminar on Ethno-archaeology in the Middle East
- The World According to Basketry
- An Ethno-archaeological Interpretation of Basketry Production in Egypt
- Who is Afraid of Basketry
- a Guide to Recording Basketry and Cordage for Archaeologists and Ethnographers
Additional Books
- The Archaeology of Mobility: Nomads in the Old and in the New World. Co-authored with Hans Bernard. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, 2008.
- Berenike 1999 / 2000, Report on the Excavations at Berenike, including Excavations in Wadi Kalalat and Siket and the Survey of the Emerald Mine Settlements of the Mons Smaragdus Region. Co-edited with Steven E. Sidebotham. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, 2007.
- The World According to Basketry. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, 1999.
Articles, Essays and Book Chapters
- 2023 L. Bender Jørgensen, A. Rast-Eicher and W. Wendrich. Earliest evidence for textile technologies. Paléorient, vol. 49.1, p. 103-119.
- 2023 Ethics of Digital Representation in Egyptology. In Ancient Egypt, New Technology. The Present and Future of Computer Visualization, Virtual Reality and Other Digital Humanities in Egyptology. Edited by Rita lucarelli, Joshua A. Robertson and Steve Vinson. Leiden: Brill.pp. 1-32.
- 2023 The Box Project and Outside-the-Box Archaeology. In Archaeology Outside the Box. Edited by Hans Barnard. Los Angeles: Cotsen Instititute of Archaeology Press, pp. 330-337.
- 2022 Introduction: A Sense of Urgency. In Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age. Sending out an SOS. Edited by Nicola Lercari, Willeke Wendrich, Benjamin W. Porter, Margie M. Burton and Thomas E. Levy. Sheffield, Bristol: Equinox, pp. 1-12.
- 2022 At-Risk Cultural Heritage, Open Communication and Stealth Archaeology. In Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age. Sending out an SOS. Edited by Nicola Lercari, Willeke Wendrich, Benjamin W. Porter, Margie M. Burton and Thomas E. Levy. Sheffield, Bristol: Equinox, pp. 13-25.
- 2021 Archaeological Basketry and Cultural Identity in Ancient Egypt. In The Material Culture of Basketry. Practice, Skill and Embodied Knowledge, edited by Stephanie Bunn and Victoria Mitchell. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp 27-36.
- 2020 Basketry, Archaeology and Beyond: Lessons from Listening. In Basketry & Beyond. Constructing Cultures, edited by T.A. Heslop and Helen Anderson. Norwich: Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, pp. 50-57.
- 2020 Online Publication of Monuments. In The Oxford Handbook of Egyptian Epigraphy and Palaeography, edited by Vanessa Davies and Dimitri Laboury, Illustrated Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, pp. 356-369.
- 2020 Emmitt, Joshua, Rebecca Phillipps, Annelies Koopman, Matthew Barrett, Willeke Wendrich and Simon Holdaway, KomW and X Basin: Erosion, Deposition, and the Potential for Village Occupation. In: African Archaeological Review, February 2020,
- 2020 Preliminary Report on the 2019 survey and excavations of the UCLA Shire Archaeological Project.
- 2019 Placentas, Sieves and the Ancestors. In: S. Valentini and G. Guarducci (eds), Between Syria and the Highlands. Studies in Honor of Giorgio Buccellati & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean 3, Rome: Arbor Sapientiae Editore, pp. 389-394.
- 2019 Preliminary Report on the 2018 survey and excavations of the UCLA Shire Archaeological Project.
- 2018 Mutuality in Exploring the Past: Ethno-Experimental and Community Archaeology. In: Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 17, pp 188-201.
- 2018 Lincoln H. Blumell, Emily Cole and Willeke Wendrich, Another Letter from Antonius Longus to his Mother Nilous. In: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 55, pp. 45-57.
- 2018 Simon Holdaway, Rebecca Phillipps, Joshua Emmitt, Willeke Wendrich
E29G1 revisited: the current state of the surface archaeology of western regions of the Fayum North shore, Egypt. In: Jacek Kabacinski, Marek Chlodnicki, Michal Kobusiewicz, Malgorzata Winiarska-Kabacinska (eds.). Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile Basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf Studies in African Archaeology 15, Poznań: Poznań Archaeological Museum, pp. 534-552 - 2018 Willeke Wendrich, Simon Holdaway, René Cappers, Rebecca Phillipps. A Research Design to Investigate the Fayum Neolithic. In: Yann Tristant, Matthieu Ghilardi eds. Landscape Archaeology. Egypt and the Mediterranean World, Bibliothèque d’Étude 169, Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, pp. 43-58.
- 2018 Preliminary Report on the 2018 survey and excavations of the UCLA Shire Archaeological Project.
- 2018 Simon Holdaway, Rebecca Phillipps, Joshua Emmitt, Veerle Linseele, and Willeke Wendrich. The Desert Fayum in the Twenty-first Century. Antiquity 92 361 (2018), pp. 233–238
- 2018 Wendrich, Willeke and Simon J. Holdaway. Basket use, raw materials and arguments on early and Middle Holocene mobility in the Fayum, Egypt. Quaternary International 468, B, pp. 240-249.
- 2018 Digital Media in Archaeology. In: Sandra L. López Varela.ed. The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. JohnWiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/9781119188230.saseas0393
- 2017 Marston, John M., Simon J. Holdaway, and Willeke Wendrich. Early and Middle Holocene wood exploitation in the Fayum basin, Egypt. The Holocene. 2017; 27(12): pp. 1812-1824. http://doi:10.1177/0959683617708443
- 2017 Lercari, N., J. Shulze, W. Wendrich, B. Porter, M. Burton, and T. E. Levy, 3-D Digital Preservation of At-Risk Global Cultural Heritage, in: C. E. Catalano and L. De Luca (Editors) EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (2016)
- 2017 Tamborrino, Rosa and Willeke Wendrich, “Cultural heritage in context: the temples of Nubia, digital technologies and the future of conservation,” Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 40:2, 168-182
- 2017 Review of Mifsas Baḥri: A Late Aksumite frontier community in the mountains of southern Tigray: survey, excavation and analysis, 2013-16 Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa.
- 2017 Preliminary Report on the 2016 excavations in Mai Adrasha, Ethiopia.
- 2017 Marston, John M., Simon J. Holdaway, and Willeke Wendrich. Early and Middle Holocene wood exploitation in the Fayum basin, Egypt. The Holocene.
- 2016 Elgewely, Eiman and Willeke Wendrich. Virtually United in Real Time: Museum Collections and Archaeological Context Explored. Digital Heritage 2015. IEEE Xplore (2016) DOI 10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7419592
- 2016 Koopman, Annelies, Sjoerd Kluiving, Simon Holdaway, and Willeke Wendrich, “The Effects of Holocene Landscape Changes on the Formation of the Archaeological Record in the Fayum Basin, Egypt”, Geoarchaeology 31 pp. 17–33.
- 2016 Linseele, Veerle, Simon J. Holdaway, Willeke Wendrich
The earliest phase of introduction of Southwest Asian domesticated animals into Africa. New evidence from the Fayum Oasis in Egypt and its implications. Quaternary International part B 412, 11-21 - 2016 Phillipps, R, Holdaway, S, Ramsay, R, Emmitt, J, Wendrich, W and Linseele, V
Lake Level Changes, Lake Edge Basins and the Paleoenvironment of the Fayum North Shore, Egypt, during the Early to Mid-Holocene. Open Quaternary, 2: 2, pp. 1–12, - 2016 H. Barnard, W.Z. Wendrich, A. Winkels, J.E.M.F. Bos, B.L. Simpson, and R.T.J. Cappers The Preservation of Exposed Mudbrick Architecture in Karanis (Kom Aushim), Egypt. Journal of Field Archaeology 41:1, pp. 84-100.
- 2016 Holdaway S, Phillipps R, Emmitt J et al. The Fayum revisited: Reconsidering the role of the Neolithic package, Fayum north shore, Egypt. Quaternary International Online 410, pp. 173-180.
- 2015 Hans Barnard, Willeke Z. Wendrich, Ben T. Nigra, Bethany L. Simpson, and René T.J. Cappers “The Fourth-century AD Expansion of the Graeco-Roman Settlement of Karanis (Kom Aushim) in the Northern Fayum.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 101 (2015), pp. 51-67.
- 2015 Wendrich, Willeke, Jacco Dieleman and Elizabeth Waraksa. Ideas Concerning a New Egyptological Knowledge Base: The UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology (UEE). In: P. Kousoulis and N. Lazaridis. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 22-29 May 2008. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 2234-2241
- 2015 Shirai, Noriyuki, Willeke Wendrich and René Cappers. An Archaeological Survey in the Northeastern Part of the Fayum. In: P. Kousoulis and N. Lazaridis. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 22-29 May 2008. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 459-474.
- 2015 Elaine Sullivan, Willeke Wendrich. Time, Aggregation, and Analysis: Designing Effective Digital Cultural Mapping Projects. in David MacLennan, W.F. Garrett-Petts, and Nancy Duxbury (eds.), Cultural Mapping as Cultural Inquiry, New York: Routledge, pp. 233-253.
- 2015 Elgewely, Eiman and Willeke Wendrich, “Reviving Karanis in 4D: Reconstruction of Space through Time”, Proceedings of the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Vienna: CHNT (2015).
- 2014 Linseele, Veerle, Wim Van Neer, Sofie Thys, Rene Cappers, Willeke Wendrich, Simon Holdaway, “New Archaeozoological Data from the Fayum “Neolithic” with a Critical Asessment of the Evidence for Early Stock Keeping in Egypt. PLOS one, http://doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108517
- 2014 Willeke Wendrich, Bethany Simpson, Eiman Elgewely, Karanis in 3D: Recording, Monitoring, Recontextualizing, and the Representation of Knowledge and Conjecture. In: Near Eastern Archaeology 77, 3 pp. 244-248.
- 2014 “Visualizing the Dynamics of Monumentality”, in: James Osborne (ed.), Approaching Monumentality in Archaeology. Proceedings of the IEMA Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar Conference on Theories and Methods in Archaeology, Buffalo NY: IEMA, pp. 409-430.
- 2013 “The Relevance of Ethnoarchaeology: An Egyptian Perspective”, in: Contesting Ethnoarchaeologies. Edited by Arkadiusz Marciniak and Nurcan Yalman. One World Archaeology Vol. 7, pp. 191-209, Springer.
- 2013 “Organizing the world: classification, typology, and taxonomy in the past, present, and future.” In: Decorum and experience. Essays in ancient culture for John Baines. Edited by Elizabeth Frood and Angela McDonald. With the editorial assistance of R. Gareth Roberts. Griffith Institute, Oxford 2013, pp. 86-92.
- 2013 René Cappers, Emily Cole, Daniel Jones, Simon Holdaway, Willeke Wendrich, 2013, “The Fayyûm Desert as an Agricultural Landscape”, in Carolin Artl and Martin Stadler, (eds.) Das Fayyûm in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit. Fallstudien zu multikulturellem Leben in der Antike pp. 37-50, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
- 2013 Antiquarianism in Egypt: The Importance of Re”. In: Alain Schnapp (ed.) with Lothar von Falkenhausen, Peter N. Miller, and Tim Murray, World Antiquarianism, Comparative Perspectives, pp. 140-158. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute.
- 2013 Noriyuki Shirai, Willeke Wendrich, and René Cappers, “An archaeological survey in the northeastern part of the Fayum”. in: Proceedings of the In: Nikola Lazaridis and P. Kousoulis (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 22-29 May 2008. pp. Leuven: Peeters.
- 2012 Willeke Wendrich, Jacco Dieleman and Elizabeth Waraksa, “Ideas Concerning a New Egyptological Knowledge Base; The UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology (UEE)”, In: Nikola Lazaridis and P. Kousoulis (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 22-29 May 2008, pp. . Leuven: Peeters.
- 2012 “Recognizing Knowledge Transfer in the Archaeological Record”. In: Willeke Wendrich ed. Archaeology and Apprenticeship. Body Knowledge, Identity and Communities of Practice, pp. 255-263. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
- 2012 W. Wendrich and P. Ryan, “Phytoliths and Basketry Materials at Çatalhöyük (Turkey): Timelines of growth,
harvest and objects life histories”, Paleorient vo. 38 I, pp. 57-65 - 2012 R. Phillipps, S. Holdaway, W. Wendrich, R. Cappers, “Mid Holocene Occupation of Egypt and Global Climatic Change”, in: Quaternary International 251, pp. 64-76. - 2011 “A Second Chance? Preserving the Value of the Desert North and East of Lake Qarun”, in: Rosanna Pirelli (ed.), Natural and Cultural Landscapes in the Fayoum: The Safeguarding and Management of Archaeological Sites and Natural Environments. Cairo, UNESCO.
- 2011 “Crumbling Challenge and Presentation Puzzle: the Karanis Site Management Project” in: Bulletin of the American Research Center in Egypt 199, Fall 2011.
- 2011 UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Archaeological Data, and Web 2.0. In: Eric C. Kansa, Sarah Witcher Kansa, Ethan Watrell, Archaeology 2.0, New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration. Cotsen Institute of Archaelogy Digital Series 1.
- 2010 Wendrich W, Taylor R and Southon J Dating stratified settlement sites at Kom K and Kom W: Fifth millennium BCE radiocarbon ages for the Fayum Neolithic. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268: 999-1002.
- 2010 “From Practical Knowledge to Empowered Communication: Field Schools of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt.” in: Controlling the Past, Owning the Future: The Political Uses of Archaeology in the Middle East. R. Boytner, L. Schwarz-Dodd, and B. J. Parker, eds. pp. 178-195. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
- 2010 S. Holdaway, W. Wendrich and R. Phillipps, “Identifying low-level food producers: detecting mobility from lithics”, Antiquity 84, 185-194.
- 2010 “Chapter 1: Egyptian Archaeology from Text to Context” (pp. 1-14), “Chapter 11, Identity and Personhood” (pp. 200-219) and “Chapter 15: Epilogue: Eternal Egypt Deconstructed” (pp. 274-278) in: Willeke Wendrich (ed.), Egyptian Archaeology, Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- 2010 Fauerbach U., Wendrich W., Khamis S., Sählhof M., Simpson B., Susak A. AEgArOn – Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online. In: Ioannides M., Fellner D., Georgopoulos A., Hadjimitsis D.G. (eds) Digital Heritage. EuroMed 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6436. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- 2009 “Visual Archaeology” in Beyond the Horizon: Studies in Egyptian Art, Archaeology and History in Honour of Barry J. Kemp. Edited by Salima Ikram and Aidan Dodson. pp. 582-603.
- 2009 Elaine Sullivan and Willeke Wendrich, “An offering to Amun-Ra: Building a Virtual Reality Model of Karnak”, in: N. Strudwick (ed.) Information Technology and Egyptology in 2008. Gorgias Press, Piscataway
- 2008 “Chapter 1, The Archaeology of Mobility: Definitions and Research Approaches” (with Hans Barnard), pp. 1-21 and “Chapter 23, From Object to Agent: the Ababda Nomads and the Interpretation of the Past” pp. 509-542 in: Hans Barnard and Willeke Wendrich (eds.), The Archaeology of Mobility: Nomads in the Old and in the New World. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications.
- 2007 “Gertrude Caton Thompson (1888-1985). Famous Footsteps to Fill”, Archéonil 17, pp. 89-106.
- 2007 “Mud Brick and Good Manners: the Karanis Site Management Project”, ARCE Bulletin 192, pp. 12-15.
- 2007 “Basketry”, in: Charles Le Quesne, Quseir, an Ottoman and Napoleonic Fortress on the Red Sea Coast of Egypt, ARCE Conservation Series 2, Cairo, New York: AUC Press.
- 2007 “Neolithische Korbflechterei”, in: Vor 12.000 Jahren in Anatolien. Die ältesten Monumente der Menschheit. Karlsruhe: Badisches Landesmuseum. pp. 230-235.
- 2006 W.Z. Wendrich, J.E.M.F. Bos, K.M. Pansire, VR Modeling in Research, Instruction, Presentation and Cultural Heritage Management: the Case of Karanis (Egypt), in: M. Ioannides, D. Arnold, F. Niccoucci, K. Mania (eds.), The 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (2006), Budapest, pp. 225-230.
- 2006 Willemina Z. Wendrich, Roger S. Bagnall, René T. J. Cappers, James A. Harrell, Steven E. Sidebotham, and Roberta S. Tomber, “Berenike Crossroads: The Integration of Information” In: Norman Yoffee and Bradley L. Crowell, editors. Excavating Asian history : interdisciplinary studies in archaeology and history, pp. 15-66.
- 2006 “Body knowledge. Ethnoarchaeological Learning and the Interpretation of Ancient Technology”, in: Bernard Mathieu, Dimitri Meeks, Myriam Wissa, éd. L’apport de l’Égypte à l’histoire des techniques. Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 2006, pp. 267-275.
- 2006 “The Çatalhöyük Basketry” In: I. Hodder (ed.) Changing Materialities at Çatalhöyük Reports from the 1995–99 Seasons. Cambridge: Mac Donald Institute for Archaeology, pp. 419-424.
- 2006 “Entangled, connected or protected? The power of knots and knotting in ancient Egypt In: Szpakowska, K., ed. Through a Glass Darkly: Magic, Dreams, and Prophecy in Ancient Egypt. Swansea, Wales: The Classical Press of Wales, pp. 243-269.
- 2006 “Archaeology and Sustainable Tourism in Egypt: Protecting Community, Antiquities, and Environment”. In: N. Agnew and J. Bridgland eds Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation, pp. 184-190. Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation Institute.
- 2005 “Egyptian Religion, History of Study”, in: Encyclopedia of Religion, second edition (Editor in Chief Lindsay Jones), Macmillan, pp. 2727-2737.
- 2005 W.Z. Wendrich and R.T.J. Cappers, “Egypt’s earliest granaries: evidence from the Fayum”. In: Egyptian Archaeology 27, Autumn 2005, pp. 12-15.
- 2004 “ Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs”, Near Eastern Archaeology 67: 4, pp. 226-228.
- 2004 “Basketry” in: B. Fagan (ed.) The 70 Greatest Inventions, London: Thames & Hudson, pp. 34-36.
- 2003 W.Z. Wendrich, R.S. Tomber, S.E. Sidebotham, R.T.J. Cappers, R.S. Bagnall, “Berenike Crossroads: the Integration of Information” Journal of the Economic & Social History of the Orient Volume 46, Number 1, pp. 46-87.
- 2002 S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich: “Berenike, Archaeological fieldwork at a Ptolemaic-Roman port on the Red Sea coast of Egypt 1999-2001”, Sahara 13, pp. 23-50.
- 2000 “Basketry” in: P.T. Nicholson, I. Shaw eds: Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology, pp. 254 267, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 1998 “Introduction” and “Fringes are Anchored in Warp and Weft” in O. Kaper (ed.), Life on the Fringe, Cairo-Leiden: NVIC-CNWS.
- 1997 “Manden en touw” in: De Oudheid Verpakt, catalogue of an Exhibition in the Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, pp. 42-51, Voorhout: Topa.
- 1996 “Ancient Egyptian Rope and Knots”, in: J.C. Turner, P. van de Griend eds. History and Science of Knots, pp. 43-70, London: World Scientific.
- 1995 “Basketry and cordage”, entry in: I. Shaw, P.T. Nicholson, British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, p. 49, London: Trustees of the British Museum.
- 1995 “Van vindplaats tot rustplaats” in: Het behoud van etnografische collecties, Themadag 23, pp. 69-77, Amsterdam: Centraal Laboratorium voor Onderzoek van Voorwerpen van Kunst en Wetenschap.
- 1994 “Recording the 1990 Qasr Ibrim Basketry: a matter of edging” in: Ch. Bonnet, ed. Etudes Nubiennes, Actes du VIIe Congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3-8 septembre 1990 Volume II, pp. 205-207.
- 1994 G.M. Vogelsang-Eastwood, W.Z. Wendrich “Schoeisel” in: De Kleren van de Farao, pp. 139-149, Amsterdam: De Bataafsche Leeuw.
- 1993 “Mats, baskets and plastic bags”, in: Egyptian Archaeology no. 3, pp. 39-40, London: Egypt Exploration Society.
- 1992 “Basketry analysis; beyond recording” in: Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia Atti, Volume I, pp. 657-659, Turin.
- 1991 “The cordage”, in: D.A. Welsby, C.A. Daniels, Soba, Archaeological Research at a Medieval Capital on the Blue Nile, pp. 308-309 London: The Britisch Institute in Eastern Africa.
- 1991 “Basketry, a textile technique?”, in: Archaeological Textile Newsletter no. 12, pp. 18-20.
- 1991 “Basketry versus Textile: on terms” in: Archaeological Textile Newsletter no. 13, pp. 9,10.
- 1990 “Vlechtwerk, de zelfkant van het specialisme textiel?”, OMRO no. 10, pp. 211-216, Leiden: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden;
- 1989 “Preliminary report on the Amarna basketry and cordage”, in: B.J. Kemp, Amarna Reports V, London: Egypt Exploration Society;Furthermore, popular articles, reviews and approximately six scholarly lectures or posters per year.
Honors & Awards
Experimental and Scientific Archaeology Laboratory support grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 2022
Joan Silsbee Fund, Survey and Community Archaeology at Industria, Monteu da Po, 2022
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, Digital Humanities, Encyclopedia of Egyptology, 2020
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, Shire Excavations, 2019
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, Shire Excavations, 2018
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, Shire Excavations, 2017
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, Shire Excavations, 2016
Metadata Central: Digital Scholarship and Outreach. UCHRI Humanities Center Collaboration, 2015
UC Public Scholars Initiative, Co-PI UCHRI Humanities Center Collaboration, PI: David Biale, UC Davis Humanities Institute, UCD, 2015
Public Voices: The OpEd Project, Co-PI UCHRI Humanities Center Collaboration, PI: Ignacio López-Calvo, Center for the Humanities, UCM, 2015
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, for Fayum Excavation, 2015
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, for Fayum Excavation, 2014
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, for Fayum Excavation, 2013
National Endowment for the Humanites/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Funding for the Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online Illustrated Standardized Terminology (Aegaron-IST) project, two year grant, HG-5004613, 2013
Awarded participation in Radical Innovation Summit (NSF funded), Organization of American States, Washington DC, 2013
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, for online publication, 2012
Office of Instructional Development grant for UEE, 2012
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, for Fayum Excavation, 2011
UCLA Vice Chancellor of Research interdisciplinary research seed grant, for climate change research in the Fayum, 2011
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Field Research Grant, 2011
Office of Instructional Development grant for UEE, 2011
UCLA Faculty Research Grant, for Fayum Excavations, 2010
Office of Instructional Development grant for UEE, 2010
- Egyptian Archaeology: Ancient Technology (Ancient Near East C165/C266)
- Archaeology of Egypt and Sudan (Ancient Near East M105/Anthropology M119E)
- Ancient Egyptian Religion (Ancient Near East M130/Study of Religion M132)
- Archaeological Research Design (Ancient Near East M201/Archaeology M201C)
- Ancient Egypt (Ancient Near East 220)
- Depositional History and Stratigraphic Analysis (Ancient Near East M265/ Archaeology M265)
- Practical Field Archaeology (Ancient Near East 261/Archaeology C259)
- Egyptian Archaeology: Ancient Technology (Ancient Near East C165/C266)
Online Information
UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology: Open Version
Fayum Project:
Karnak Temple Virtual Reality Model
Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online