UCLA Bilingual Lecture Series with Dr. Afshin Matin-Asgari

Kaplan Hall 365

Please join UCLA Iranian Studies for Dr. Afshin Matin-Asgari's second lecture of the 2018-2019 academic year. He will present research from his latest book on April 9, 2019 in Kaplan Hall 365 (former Humanities Building) at 2:00pm. Both East and West: A Commentary on the History of Modernity in Iran Since the Iranian Revolution of...

The Seventeenth Century Judeo-Persian Adaptation of the Buddha Biographies

Royce 306

Elisha ben Shemuel’s Shahzadeh va-Sufi or The Prince and The Sufi is a seventeenth century Judeo-Persian adaptation of the life of Buddha, known in the west as the story of Barlaam and Josaphat. The plot, that of the prince who abandons a life of privilege and opulence for spiritual enlightenment, has traveled through centuries in...

Feeding the Gods in Ancient Israel

UCLA Faculty Center

Bread and other grain-based foods were not only staples in the ancient Israelite diet; they were also staples in the ritual acts that accompanied the worship of several deities in ancient Israel. In addition to the state god YHWH, who required regular offerings of lechem hapanim (“bread of the presence”) in the Tabernacle and the...

UCLA Bilingual Lecture Series with Dr. Ida Meftahi

121 Dodd Hall 390 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Film and Discussion on Lalehzar Street A Socio-Historical View Often compared to New York’s Broadway and Paris’s Champs-Élysées, Lalehzar District and its vicinity was a hub for experimentations in music and performing arts as well as new modes of business practices, socialization, and political expression partly due to its proximity to multitude of foreign embassies,...

UCLA Bilingual Lecture Series with Dr. Ida Meftahi

Kaplan 365

Performing a Nation’s Angels and Princesses: The Female Dancing Subjects of a Century-Old Iranian Nationalist Stage In early twentieth-century Iran, a nationalist-modernist theatrical milieu emerged that meant to educate society through performing arts. While touring companies from neighboring regions showcased new genres of arts on the Iranian stage, the dispersion of ethno-religious minorities in regions...

Pourdavoud Center Lecture Series: Jason Schlude

Royce Hall Room 306 10745 Dickson Plaza, Los Angeles, CA (CALIFORNIA)

Motivations in the Ancient Middle East: Rome, Parthia, and Realpolitik The Roman and Parthian Empires enjoyed no shortage of wars. From the 50s BCE through the 200s CE, they frequently clashed. Why? The dominant explanation is realpolitik. In the zero-sum game of international relations, each state, out for its own interests, sought the aggressive expansion...

Writing The Past From Diaspora

Karen Jallatyan received a B.A. in Comparative Literature with a minor in Philosophy from UCLA. A Ph.D. Candidate in Comparative Literature in the University of California, Irvine, he is completing a dissertation on contemporary global Armenian filmmakers and writers who contribute to the emergence of a diaspora culture by transforming inherited national artistic traditions.  ...

Nabta Playa: An Abandoned Site Dating Back to the Earliest Days of Ancient Egypt

Nabta Playa is an abandoned place located in the southwestern desert of Egypt. Although it may not appear to be a promising area for the study of the prehistoric archaeology as it is considered among the driest areas in the world, there is evidence that there were several humid periods in the past that resulted...

A Tribute to Morteza Neydavoud

Royce Hall 314 340 Royce Drive, Los Angeles, CA, United States

  To view the full program, please click here.

Pourdavoud Center Lecture Series: Pollet Samvelian

Royce 306

Word Order Variation and Change in the Languages of Western Asia Western Asia is an area of linguistic diversity and longstanding contact between languages of different families (Indo-European, Semitic, Turkic, Caucasian). Research on language contact globally has revealed that shared structural features can emerge among unrelated languages in geographically delimited areas via contact between speakers....